Using Botox injections for fine lines and wrinkles on the face
Botox injections are often considered a service provided by medical spas and aestheticians. But did you know many dentists also offer Botox injections? Our practice uses Botox for both cosmetic and medical purposes and understands that facing the signs of aging can be daunting for many men and women. Fine lines and wrinkles tend to develop on the face after the age of 30 due to the natural loss of both collagen and elastin in the skin, but Botox can smooth away these imperfections quickly and provide months of improvement before reinjection is required. If you live in Nashville, Tennessee, we welcome you to book a consultation with our team at Dillard Dental Services to determine if you are a good candidate.
How is Botox used for fine lines and wrinkles on the face?
Dr. Leslie Dillard of Dillard Dental Services uses Botox for patients who struggle with conditions such as temporomandibular joint disorder or bruxism. These conditions can cause pain and discomfort due to tight muscles around the mouth. While Botox is perfect for these conditions, it can also be used for its anti-aging benefits. Botox injections administered into specific facial muscles can alleviate fine lines and wrinkles.
How exactly do Botox injections work to combat the signs of aging?
Botox is made from a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin, which essentially works by blocking the nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. When injected into facial muscles, it temporarily relaxes them, resulting in smoother skin and reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles. Botox can be used on various facial areas, such as forehead lines, crow’s feet, and the frown lines between the eyebrows.
How long do the results of Botox injections last after being administered?
The effects of Botox injections typically last for three to four months, after which the muscles will gradually start to regain their movement. This is why follow-up appointments are recommended every few months to maintain the desired results. Over time, with repeated treatments, patients may find that the effects of Botox last longer.
What are the advantages of using Botox® for treating TMJ?
Botox® treatment for TMJ is a quick process, usually completed in just a few minutes, depending on how many injections are necessary. Results from Botox® treatment can be observed within 3-5 days following the procedure. The benefits from the treatment are maintained for about three months. After undergoing 2-3 treatments with Botox, many individuals find they have stopped the habitual grinding or clenching associated with TMJ. While Botox® is considered to be relatively safe, it’s essential to recognize that, like all medical treatments, there could be possible risks and side effects when using Botox® for TMJ.
Who can I contact near me for aesthetic and medical Botox injections?
Visiting a dentist is often the last thought that comes to mind when considering aesthetic facial services. However, dentists are often well-versed in providing injections, and it only makes sense that they should offer Botox injections for cosmetic purposes and not just medical or dentistry purposes. Dr. Dillard and her team at Dillard Dental Services of Nashville, Tennessee, can provide both! Call the office at (615) 541-4722 to request a visit to talk to us about Botox injections for fine lines and wrinkles.